Ninth International Conference
University of New Mexico, October 23-25, 2014
Conference Program
9:30am–12:00pmAPSA Executive Committee Meeting —Ortega Hall 335
10:00am-5pmRegistration — Ortega Hall Third Floor Lounge
2:00pm–3:30pm1A. Roundtable: Portuguese, Brazilian and Afro-Lusophone Studies at the Crossroads: Challenges and Possibilities
Ortega Hall 335
Organizer and Moderator: Luiz Fernando Valente, Brown University
- Margo Milleret, University of New Mexico
- Victor Mendes, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- Paulo de Medeiros, University of Warwick
- Luiz Fernando Valente, Brown University
1B. From Ndongo and Matamba to Bahia and Rio: Imagining Cultural, Racial, and Religious Boundaries in the Portuguese Empire
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Organizer and Moderator: Kathryn McKnight, University of New Mexico
- Celina Cavalcanti-Bennett, University of New Mexico: The Borders and Double Consciousness of Queen Njinga
- Viviane Ferreira de Faria, University of New Mexico: The Four Facets of a Gregorian Empire: Reading Gregório de Mattos e Guerra’s Poetry from an Analogical Perspective
- Rachel Spaulding, University of New Mexico: The Boundary Between Religious Servant and Religious Sycophant: A Reading of Biblical Typology in a Letter from Early Modern Brazil’s Rosa María Egipçíaca
1C. Portuguese-American Women: Mothers, Housewives or Conniving Whores, Is That It?
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Organizer and Moderator: Luis Gonçalves, Princeton University
- Célia Carmen Cordeiro, University of Texas at Austin: “The Open Door: Transcultural and (Post)colonial Geographies in Luso-American Female Imaginaries”
- Millicent Borges Accardi, Fulbright Scholar: “Rewriting the Paper Skirt: Whores, Lesbians, and Madonnas”
- Luis Gonçalves, Princeton University: “The Male Fiction of Female Fiction: Male Ideas of the Portuguese-American Feminine in Land of Milk and Money by Anthony Barcellos”
1D. Fora do cânone: Fracassos e insucessos na cultura brasileira
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizer and Moderator: Luca Bacchini, University of Bologna
- Severino J. Albuquerque, University of Wisconsin-Madison: “Carreiras falhas, insucessos memoráveis, lamúrias regionais: A sombra do fracasso no teatro brasileiro”
- Kathryn M. Sanchez, University of Wisconsin-Madison: “Dzi Croquettes in Gay Paris: Short-lived Success or Misconstrued Failure?”
- Luca Bacchini, University of Bologna, Italy: “Fracassos imprescindíveis. Sergio Bardotti e a reescritura da música brasileira”
1E. Language, History, and Angolanidade
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Organizer: Irene de Amaral, Rhode Island College; Moderator: Robert Simon, Kennesaw State University
- Robert Simon, Kennesaw State University” “Language and A Nação: The Portuguese Language and Angolan National Identity Through the Poetry of Ana Paula Tavares and Luís Kandjimbo”
- Emanuelle Santos, University of Warwick: “Contemporary African Literatures Written in Portuguese: At the Border between Nation and State”
- Jared Hendrickson, University of Wisconsin, Madison: “Convivência and Contradiction in A cidade e a infância: A Reading of Early Luandino”
2A. Aesthetics, Identity and Intercultural Relations in Lusophone Cultures
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Fernando Arenas, University of Michigan
- Fernando Arenas, University of Michigan: “Lisbon Stories: Migration and Intercultural Relations among Africans, Brazilians, and Portuguese”
- Vanessa Ceia, New York University: “Bodies at the Limit: Space, Waste and Identity in the Contemporary Portuguese Cinema”
2B. Oral/Aural Resonances: Sensorial Translations in Brazilian Literature I
Ortega Hall 335
Organizers and Moderators: Marília Librandi-Rocha, Stanford University and Sérgio Bairon, USP
- Anna Marshall, Stanford University: “Kissing the Cockroach: Rethinking Intercourse through Materialism and The Passion According to G.H.: Erotic Interactions of Human Protagonists with Non-Human Counterparts”
- Elena Dancu, Stanford University: “Translating Sound and Silence in Galáxias”
- Ami Schiess, Stanford University: “Adventures in Unbordered Writing: Translating the Poetic Prose and Mythical International of Sidney Rocha”
2C. Disavowed Boundaries: Race, Whiteness, and Portuguese & Spanish Colonialism
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Organizer: Patricia Schor, Utrecht University; Moderator: Paulo de Medeiros, University of Warwick
- Manuela Mourão, Old Dominion University: “The Necessity of Whiteness:” Revisiting Portuguese Racial Identity in a Postcolonial Context”
- Patricia Schor, Utrecht University: “Dis-covering Race in the Postempire: The Analogies Camp / Colony & Jew / Black”
- Jerome Branche, University of Pittsburgh: “(Post)Colonial Arrival and Alienation: Revisiting Zamora Loboch’s El prisionero de la Gran Vía”
2D. The Meanings of Justice in Contemporary Cultural Production
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Moderator: Leila Lehnen, University of New Mexico
- Fiorella Vera-Adrianzen, University of New Mexico: “Justiça transicional e atores sociais: Aproximações teóricas ao surgimento de produções culturais no processo da justiça de transição”
- Rebecca J. Atencio, Tulane University: “Allegories of Impunity: Memories of the Military Dictatorship and the Question of Justice in Contemporary Brazilian Fiction”
- Diego Bustos, University of New Mexico: “Faceless Perpetrators, Omnipresent State: Two Versions of the State of Exception”
- Julia Youngs, University of New Mexico: “The “Garantia da Lei e Ordem” and the Rolezinhos”
Welcome Remarks: Paulo de Medeiros (APSA President), Leila Lehnen (Associate Professor of Spanish & Portuguese, University of New Mexico), Anthony Cárdenas (Chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of New Mexico), Dean Mark Peceny (Dean of Arts and Sciences, University of New Mexico)
KEYNOTE ADDRESS I: José Luiz Passos, UCLA: “Traição” — Kiva Auditorium
7:15pm–8:30pmRECEPTION: Willard Room of the Zimmerman Library
8:30am-5pmRegistration — Ortega Hall Third Floor Lounge
9:00am–10:30am3A. Round-Table: Portuguese Studies: The Next Ten Years
Organizer and Moderator: Vincent Barletta, Stanford University
Ortega Hall 335
- Josiah Blackmore, Harvard University
- Pedro Schacht Pereira, Ohio State University
- Anna Klobucka, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
3B. The Politics of Ethnic Place-Making in Fado, Samba, Rap and Funk
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Kimberly DaCosta Holton
- Kimberly DaCosta Holton: “The Politics of Ethnic Place-making in US Fado Poetry”
- Hilary Marie Johnson: “Ninguém Fica Parado: Social Inclusion in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas (Rap and Funk)”
3C. O Encontro das Artes I: Diálogos sobre adaptações fílmicas e televisivas
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Organizer: Fernanda Guida, University of Georgia; Moderator: Rodolfo Franconi, Dartmouth College
- Frans Weiser, University of Georgia: “From Prison to the Pen: (Re)Appropriating Graciliano Ramos in Literature and Film”
- Fernanda Guida, University of Georgia: “O interfluxo midiático e narratológico na adaptação de Benjamin
- Rodolfo A. Franconi, Dartmouth College: “Eça em brasileiro? As minisséries O Primo Basílio e Os Maias”
3D. Os limites, as fronteiras e os espaços fronteiriços em Almada Negreiros
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Organizer and Moderator: Tania Martuscelli, University of Colorado-Boulder
- Sílvia Laureano Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: “Almada entre as palavras e o palco”
- Pedro Freitas e Simão Palmeirim Costa, Universidade de Lisboa: “Almada na fronteira da geometria e da arte”
- Tania Martuscelli, University of Colorado Boulder: “O espaço entre Almada e Mário-Henrique Leiria”
- Bruno Silva Rodrigues, University of Oxford: “Almada explorando os confins da imagem e da narrativa”
3E. New Meanings of Democracy in Brazilian Culture and Society
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizer and Moderator: Leila Lehnen, University of New Mexico
- Emanuelle K F Oliveira-Monte, Vanderbilt University: “E se Obama fosse brasileiro? Debates on Democracy and Racial Representations In Brazil Today”
- Neoshia Roemer, University of New Mexico: “Fetishizing and Commodifying Poverty in Brazil: Tourism in the Favela”
- Leila Lehnen, University of New Mexico: “Plotting New Cultural Actors: Social Engagement and Conflict in Tramas Urbanas”
4A. Oral/Aural Resonances: Sensorial Translations in Brazilian Literature II
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizers and Moderators: Marília Librandi-Rocha, Stanford University and Sérgio Bairon, USP
- Victoria Saramago, Stanford University: “O olho torto: Vision Deprivation and Auditory Perception in Graciliano Ramos’ Work”
- Marília Librandi-Rocha, Stanford University: “Conconversa e Babel em ‘O recado do morro’”
- Sérgio Bairon, University of São Paulo: “Produção partilhada do conhecimento: A literatura como música”
4B. Approaches to Teaching Language and Literature
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Nicola Trowbridge Cooney, Princeton University
- Nicola Trowbridge Cooney, Princeton University: “Making the Leap: Border Crossings in the Classroom”
- Gláucia Silva, UMass Dartmouth: “Gender Assignment and Agreement Among Heritage and Foreign Learners of Portuguese”
- Blair Bateman, Brigham Young University: “Communication and Other C’s: A Study of What Portuguese Instructors Want in a Textbook”
4C. O encontro das artes II: Diálogos sobre música e a diversidade cultural
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Organizer: Fernanda Guida, University of Georgia; Moderator: Dário Borim, UMass Dartmouth
- Joshua A Enslen, West Point: “Graphs, Maps and Palm Trees: The Associative Literary Network of Gonçalves Dias’ “Canção do Exílio”
- Sara Lucena, University of Georgia: “Confluências da música e literatura: Os mares de Bethânia e de Sophia”
- Débora Ferreira, Utah Valley University: “Rio’s Trilha Sonora”
4D. Cultural Production from the Outsiders of the Outsiders: A Social Commentary of Brazil’s Urban Spaces
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Organizer and Moderator: Juliana Todescan, University of New Mexico
- Aja Roberts, University of New Mexico: “Indignação através do humor: Uma alegoria das contradições nacionais em Ilhas das Flores”
- Andy Barrientos, University of New Mexico: “The Landfill as a Figurative Purgatory in the Telenovela Avenida Brasil: The Relegation of Marginalized Beings in Modern Brazil”
- Vanessa Cornwall, University of New Mexico: “If You Market It, They Will Come: Favela Tourism and Brazil’s Mega Events”
4E. Revisitando a literatura portuguesa: A participação efetiva e afetiva do leitor
Ortega Hall 335
Organizer and Moderator: Sílvia Cabral-Teresa, Brown University
- Sílvia Cabral-Teresa, Brown University: “(Des)afortunadas: O papel das emoções negativas em “A noite das mulheres cantoras”
- Leonor Simas-Almeida, Brown University: “Configurações de poder e da sua ausência nas Lisboa e Luanda emergentes n’ Os Cus de Judas”
- Marcos Cerdeira, Brown University: “A empatia ética de As Naus de António Lobo Antunes”
- Patrícia Ferreira, Brown University: “Entre séculos e minutos: Reflexão em torno das personagens de A noite das mulheres cantoras”
2:00pm–3:30pm5A. Fronteiras movediças na ficção de Machado de Assis
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Organizers and Moderators: Marta de Senna, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa and Pedro Meira Monteiro, Princeton University
- Marcelo Diego, Princeton University: “Espelhos de Napoleões: Delírios bonapartistas em La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal e Quincas Borba de Machado de Assis”
- Paul Dixon, Purdue University: “Fronteiras transatlânticas: Quincas Borba e o discurso do vencedor”
- Marta de Senna, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa: “Fronteiras atenuadas: Sanidade e loucura na ficção de Machado de Assis”
- Pedro Meira Monteiro, Princeton University: “Tudo quieto e patriarcal: Uma reflexão sobre o rumor em Casa velha”
5B. Transgressões e performances: Perfis femininos na literatura brasileira
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizer: Cristiane Barbosa de Lira, University of Georgia; Moderator: Susan Quinlan, University of Georgia
- Viviane Alves, University of Georgia: “A transformação da mulher na obra Lua nua de Leilah Assumpção”
- Juliano Saccomani, University of Georgia: “Pelo buraco da fechadura: A mulher adúltera no teatro de Nelson Rodrigues”
- Cecília Rodrigues, University of Georgia: “Identities in Transit: Reconstructing Subjectivity in Tatiana Salem Levy’s A chave de casa (2007)”
- Cristiane Lira, University of Georgia: “Militante? Guerrilheira? As (in)definições das personagens Lia em As meninas de Lygia Fagundes Telles e Ela em Em câmera lenta de Renato Tapajós”
5C. Kaleidoscopic Poetry
Ortega Hall 335
Moderator: Vivaldo Andrade dos Santos, Georgetown University
- Xingyue Zhou, UC Santa Barbara: “Linguaviagem: Crossing Word Boundaries with the Portmanteau of Augusto de Campos”
- Vivaldo Andrade dos Santos, Georgetown University: “Poesia práxis: A indústria d(n)a palavra de Mário Chamie”
- Laura Cesarco Eglin, University of Colorado, Boulder: “Limites transpostos entre a vida e a morte em Da morte. Odes mínimas de Hilda Hilst”
- M. Luci Moreira, College of Charleston: “Poemas nascidos sob fogo e sangue: Revisitando Costa Andrade”
5D. Film Framing Social Justice
Zimmerman Library – Frank Waters Room
Organizer and Moderator: Jeremy Lehnen, University of New Mexico
- Jeremy Lehnen, University of New Mexico: “Claudia Wonder and the Politics of (In)Visibility”
- Marguerite Itamar Harrison, Smith College: “On the Impossibility of Dialogue: Framing Justice in Maria Augusta Ramos’ Documentary Films”
- Samuel Johnson, University of New Mexico: “Oligarchy and Urban Anxieties: Fear and Isolation in O som ao redor”
- Marina Todeschini, University of New Mexico: “Urban Spaces and the Social Isolation in Neighboring Sounds”
5E. Urban Spaces
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Moderator: Kátia da Costa Bezerra, University of Arizona
- Kátia da Costa Bezerra, University of Arizona: “Políticas públicas e espaço urbano: Revisitando o mapa da cidade”
- Eliseo Jacob, Howard University: “Literary Subversion: Reinterpretations of Urban Spaces in São Paulo through Postesia”
- Marcelo Tadeu Schincariol, University of Colorado, Boulder: “Por uma outra noção de ecologia: A representação da natureza em Carolina Maria de Jesus e em Ademiro Alves de Sousa, o Sacolinha”
- Dora Nunes Gago, University of Macau: “Indícios de Ouro Preto e outras cidades brasileiras em Miguel Torga e Vitorino Nemésio: fronteiras entre a identidade e a alteridade”
5F. Fernando Pessoa, Antonio Botto e Jorge de Sena
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Anna M. Klobucka, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- Chenxi Fu, University of Wisconsin-Madison: “A precessão do mapa o sonho como simulacro no Livro do desassossego”
- Anna M. Klobucka, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth: “António Botto e Fernando Pessoa: Retrato de uma relação revisitada”
- Pedro Lopes de Almeida, University of California, Santa Barbara: “Floating Subjects: Jorge de Sena, Fernando Pessoa, and the Concept of Literary Criticism: New Perspectives on the Meaning of Close Reading”
6A. Occupying Transitional Spaces: Fiction and Social Commentary in Contemporary Brazil
Zimmerman Library – Frank Waters Room
Organizer: Margo Milleret, University of New Mexico
- Willyam Thums, University of New Mexico: “O Bildungsroman problemático da contemporaneidade: Os ecos da modernidade líquida em A maçã envenenada”
- Juliana Clark, University of New Mexico: “Lost in the Margins: A Literary Analysis of the Periphery and the State”
6B. Postcolonial Perceptions
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Moderator: Deolinda M Adão, University of California Berkeley/ California State University at San José
- Deolinda M Adão, University of California Berkeley/ SJSU: “Shattered Borders: Territorialization and Identity Construction”
- Peter Maurits, University of Munich: “Global Ghost Stories?: The Ghost Genre in a World of World Literature”
6C. Round-Table: Portuguese in the Community
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Organizer and Moderator: Megwen Loveless, Princeton University
- Clémence Jouet-Pastré, Harvard University
- Megwen Loveless, Princeton University
6D. Narrativas sem fronteiras
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizers and Moderators: Renato Cordeiro Gomes, PUC-Rio and Beatriz Resende, UFRJ
- Wander Melo Miranda, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais: “Literatura e biopolítica”
- Eneida Leal Cunha, PUC-Rio: “O outro foco, o fogo e as máscaras”
- Sérgio Araujo de Sá, Universidade de Brasília: “Brasília não existe: As possibilidades de narrar a cidade artificial”
- Renato Cordeiro Gomes, PUC-Rio: “O nômade e a geografia: Espaços rarefeitos na literatura e na ficção midiática brasileira”
6E. Race, Ethnicity, and Alternative Geographies of Rio de Janeiro
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Organizers and Moderators: Lorraine Leu, The University of Texas at Austin, and Bruno Carvalho, Princeton University
- Sonia Roncador, The University of Texas at Austin: “Rio’s Multicultural Slums and the Problem of the Poor White Trash in Fin-de-siècle Brazil”
- Lorraine Leu, The University of Texas at Austin: “Defiant Geographies: Race, Ethnicity, and Space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro”
- Bruno Carvalho, Princeton University: “A Praça Onze era uma festa: Cartografias letradas da cultura popular carioca durante a “Era Vargas””
Resisting the Inconsistency of the World: Of New Portuguese Letters — Kiva Auditorium
RECEPTION — Ortega Hall third floor
9:00am-12pmRegistration — Ortega Hall, Third Floor Lounge
9:00am–10:30am7A. Geotextuality and the Reinterpretation of Brasil
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizer and Moderator: Isadora Grevan de Carvalho, Oberlin College, Co-organizer: Thayse Lima (Brown University)
- Isadora Grevan de Carvalho, Oberlin College: “The Specter of Gender and Foreigner as a Skin Border in Nelson Rodrigues’s Anti-Nelson Rodrigues and Pedro Almodóvar’s La piel que habito”
- Benjamin Legg, Brown University: “Crônicas “Da outra América” e de um outro Freyre”
- Thayse Lima, Brown University: “Translating Latin America: Haroldo de Campos, Octavio Paz and the Trans-Creation of Blanco”
- Marcelo F. Lotufo, Brown University: “Literary Criticism and Nation Building in Nineteenth Century Brazil and Argentina”
7B. Clarice Lispector and Eliane Brum: Infancy, Disabilities, Psalms
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Moderator: Nicola Gavioli, Florida International University
- Luciana Namorato, Indiana University “’Isto não é um lamento’: A iminência da morte e os sentidos do amanhã em Um sopro de vida, de Clarice Lispector”
- Nicola Gavioli, Florida International University: “Bioethics, Literature, and Anxiety: Eliane Brum’s Uma duas”
- David Mittelman, Brown University: “’Não há paixão sofrida em dor e amor a que não se siga uma alleluia’: Clarice Lispector, Psalmist”
7C. Colonial and Postcolonial Literature in Mozambique and Angola
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Moderator: Fernando Beleza, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- Sandra I. Sousa, The University of Iowa: “João Paulo Borges Coelho e as contradições do pós-colonialismo: Uma análise de A crónica da Rua 513.2”
- Fernando Beleza, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth: “O lustro da tradição viril:” Masculinity and Postcolonial Politics in Mia Couto’s O outro pé da sereia”
- Serena J. Rivera, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth: “Children and the Performance of Power in Manuel Rui’s Quem me dera ser onda and Luís Bernardo Honwana’s Nós matámos o cão-tinhoso
7D. Escrita e cinema: fronteiras e intersecções no cinema português contemporâneo (Pedro Costa, João César Monteiro, Manoel de Oliveira, Manuel Mozos)
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Organizer and Moderator: Clara Rowland, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas/Universidade de Lisboa
- João Ribeirete, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas/Universidade de Lisboa: “Escrever devagar a morte em Non, ou a vã glória de mandar, de Manoel de Oliveira”
- Estela Vieira, Indiana University: “Cinematic Walls: Pedro Costa and the Margins of Realism”
- Clara Rowland, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas/Universidade de Lisboa: “Fantasmas da escrita: Inscrição, impressão e imagem no cinema de Pedro Costa e Manoel de Oliveira”
7E. Margins at the Center: Narratives and Migration
Ortega Hall 335
Moderator: Cecily Raynor, Georgetown University
- Cecily Raynor, Georgetown University: “Geographies, Intersections and Language in Mar paraguayo by Wilson Bueno”
- Mira Kohl, Tulane University: “Un pedacito de Bolivia:” Performing Bolivian National Ethnicity in São Paulo”
Ortega Hall 335
Moderator: Bruno Carvalho
- Vincent Barletta, Stanford University: “Aquela cativa:” Camões, Rhythm, and the Blackness of Love”
- Josiah Blackmore, Harvard University: “The Terraqueous Itinerário of Jerónimo Lobo”
- Carmen Nocentelli, University of New Mexico: “Abominable Matters:” Portuguese India and the Making of Domestic Heterosexuality”
- Onésimo T. Almeida, Brown University: “O papel do mito do Preste João nos descobrimentos portugueses – uma revisitação”
8B. Brazilian Film Production
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Ines Dias, UCLA
- Ines Dias, UCLA: “Political Boundaries in Brazilian Cinema Novo”
- Carla A da Silva, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign: “Olhos azuis: New Borders in a Post-September 11th Brazilian Film”
- Charles St-Georges Denison University: “It’s All in the Blood: Zé do Caixão and the Boundaries of Social Subjectivity”
- Marinês Andrea Kunz, Universidade Feevale: “Violência urbana na literatura e no cinema: Um ensaio”
8C. Round-Table: Da divisão à unidade: Vozes ameríndias no projeto interamericanista
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Organizer and Moderator: Márcio Bahia, Vanderbilt University
- Earl Fitz, Vanderbilt University
- Márcio Bahia, Vanderbilt University
8D. Outside/Inside Cultural Interaction
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Moderator: Gregory Scruggs, Columbia University
- Gregory Scruggs, Columbia University: “Welcome to the Brazilian Caribbean”
- Mónica Ayala-Martínez, Denison University: “Brazil Reads Cuba: Fernando Morais’ Reading of Cuban History in Os últimos soldados da Guerra Fria”
- Jose I. Suarez, University of Northern Colorado: “Colonialism and Hybridity in Macanese Fiction”
- Bruno Gonçalo Nogueira Sales, University of Georgia: “Entre a vida e a morte: Sucessos e desaires espaços-temporais em Não é meia noite quem quer de António Lobo Antunes”
8E. 21st Century Brazilian Fiction and Performance
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Moderator: Krista Brune, University of California, Berkeley
- Francesca Ferrono, University of Wisconsin, Madison: “On Grace Passo and the Subversion of Theatrical Performance”
- Christopher T. Lewis, University of Utah: “Stranger than Fiction: Writing Transmodern Identity in Bernardo Carvalho’s O sol se põe em São Paulo”
- Krista Brune, University of California, Berkeley: “Nuno Ramos: On the Borders of Materiality and Language”
2:00pm–3:30pm9A. Amerindian, Amazonian and Arab Cosmopolitan Frontiers
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 3
Moderator: Antonio Luciano de Andrade Tosta, The University of Kansas
- Antonio Luciano de Andrade Tosta, The University of Kansas: “Assis Brasil’s Rewriting of the Inquisition in Breviário das Terras do Brasil”
- Brianna Medeiros, Brown University: “Crossing Cultural and Linguistic Borders in Relato de um certo oriente”
9B. Non-Human and Ecological Borders
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Moderator: Victor Mendes, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- Adam Demaray, Tulane University: “More or Less Animal: Expanded Consciousness and the Loss of Self in João Guimarães Rosa’s “Meu tio, o iauaretê” and Julio Cortázar’s Axolotl”
- Patricia Vieira, Georgetown University: The Phytophilic Poesis of Manoel de Barros”
- Susana Antunes, University of Massachusetts-Amherst: “Corsino Fortes e Pedro da Silveira: O mundo unido por ilhas”
- Victor Mendes, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth: “Introdução aos animais de Fernando Pessoa”
9C. Breaking the Frame: Narrativas fronteiriças
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Dário Borim Jr., University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- Dário Borim Jr., University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth: “Plugada no dia-a-dia: A crônica no século XXI”
- Juracy Assmann Saraiva, Universidade Feevale: “Mobilidade de fronteiras em textos ficcionais de Machado de Assis”
9D. Ditadura e Representação Ficcional
Zimmerman Library – Frank Waters Room
Moderator: Marcela Lopes da Silva, University of New Mexico
- Antonio Kleber Gomes, University of New Mexico: “O alheamento da responsabilidade no “Passeio noturno” de Rubem Fonseca”
- Marcela Lopes da Silva, University of New Mexico: “Eneida de Moraes: Ditadura brasileira do ponto de vista feminino”
9E. Identity & Transgression: Angola & Brazil
Ortega Hall 335
Organizer and Moderator: Sophia Beal, University of Minnesota
- Sophia Beal, University of Minnesota: “Brazilian Escape Artists”
- Rex P. Nielson, Brigham Young University: “Marginalized Masculinity in Clarice Lispector’s “O jantar” and Lygia Fagundes Telles’s “Eu era mudo e só”
- Ana Catarina Teixeira, Emory University: “O compromisso político e ideológico de Pepetela em “As cinco vidas de Teresa”
9F. Gender, Women, Queer Studies
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Moderator: Marta Dantas, Universidade Estadual de Londrina
- Rachel ten Haaf, University of Michigan: “Undoing Feminine Boundaries: The Work of Helena Almeida”
- Daniel da Silva, Columbia University: “National Drag – Carmen Miranda and the Queer Orientation of Tropicália”
- Millicent Borges Accardi, Fulbright Scholar: “The Shifting Borderlines of Feminism: Readings Inspired by The Three Marias”
10A. Tribute to Jon Tolman
Ortega Hall 335
Organizer: Margo Milleret
10B. Fora das fronteiras: Mundialização e auto-ficção no Brasil
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 2
Moderator: Marília Scaff Rocha Ribeiro, Michigan State University
- Anderson Luís Nunes da Mata, Universidade de Brasília: “O direito de cruzar a fronteira: Cosmopolitismo e pobreza na literatura brasileira contemporânea”
- Lígia Bezerra , Spelman College: “Between Kurt Cobain and Immaculate Ilibagiza: Mass Culture in Michel Laub’s A maçã envenenada”
- Marília Scaff Rocha Ribeiro, Michigan State University: “O romance contra o romance? Interseções entre discursos literários e não-literários na literatura brasileira contemporânea”
10C. Portuguese Language Crossroads: Ensino de literatura, leitura, e língua
Ortega Hall 124 – Language Learning Center – Lab 1
Moderator: Robert Moser, University of Georgia
- Andréa de Castro Melloni, Princeton University: “Azul Corvo: “categoria mole”, sensação, e a experiência da leitura em sala de aula”
- Viviane Gontijo, Harvard University: “O ensino de leitura em aulas de português para estrangeiros: O professor, suas atitudes, crenças e conhecimento prático”
- Robert Moser, University of Georgia: “The History of the Portuguese Language: Course Development by the Museu da Língua Portuguesa and UGA”
10D. Dialogues Across the Colonial and Imperial Borders
Ortega Hall 313 – Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference Room
Moderator: Xiaoxi Zhang, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Xiaoxi Zhang, University of Minnesota Twin Cities: “Dialogues at the Border: Gendered Alterity in Boosco Deleitoso”
- Ann Helen Wainer, Florida Atlantic University: “Expanding Borders: How America’s First Jewish Settlers Originated From Portugal’s Colonies in Brazil”
- Anna Mester, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor: “As fronteiras porosas da prisão: A descolonização incompleta em Virgem Margarida de Licínio Azevedo e Tarrafal de Pedro Costa”
- Alma Gottlieb, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign: “Passover, African Style: (Re-)Exploring History, (Re-)Forging Identity at a Joint Seder among Cape Verdeans and Jews in Boston”
Presentation by FLAD Representative Michael Baum — Kiva Auditorium 6:00pm–7:00pm
General Meeting of APSA Members — Kiva Auditorium