Thanks to the hard work of our intrepid graduate student assistants, we’re now able to make available (in mp3 format) the recorded talks of the two keynote speakers from the APSA Conference held at Stanford University on October 13-15, 2016. Our first speaker, introduced by Prof. Vincent Barletta (Stanford U) on October 13, is Prof. Abel Barros Baptista (U Nova de Lisboa). Our second speaker, introduced by Prof. Marília Librandi-Rocha (Stanford U) on October 14, is Brazilian novelist and art curator Veronica Stigger.

Prof. Abel Barros Baptista is professor of Portuguese Studies at the U Nova de Lisboa and an award-winning author of numerous books, including Autobibliografias: Solicitação do Livro na Ficção de Machado de Assis (2003) and O Livro Agreste: Ensaio de Curso de Literatura Brasileira (2007), and De Espécie Complicada. Ensaios de Crítica Literária (2010). Best known for his groundbreaking work on Camilo Castelo Branco, Machado de Assis, and Brazilian literary history, he has most recently published E Assim Sucessivamente (2015), a collection of crónicas originally written for Ler magazine.

Veronica Stigger is a renowned Brazilian novelist and art curator. Her first novel, Opisanie swiata (2013), won the prestigious Machado de Assis Award for best novel from the Brazilian National Library (2013), the São Paulo Award (2014), the Prêmio Açorianos de Narrativa Longa (2014) and was a finalist for the Prêmio Portugal Telecom (2014). As an art curator, she has organized many exhibitions, including Maria Martins: Metamorfoses, which won the 2013 Grande Prêmio da Crítica da Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte (APCA), and most recently, Variações do Corpo Selvagem: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Fotógrafo.